Brian's Kenpo Page - Kenpo Forms (2024)

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Short Form #3
This is the first time we see a form that is built purely of techniques. Webegin to learn flow between techniques. The descriptions provided here arebrief. Click on the highlighted technique name for a more detailed descriptionof the actual technique. You will notice that we don't run each technique tocompletion in the form and some pieces are slightly altered in the form becauseforms always show us full range of motion.

Short 3 is known as the elbow form.

SET 1: Destructive Twins

  1. From an attention stance, step forward into a right neutral bow while doing left horizontal punch to face and right uppercut punch to groin.
  2. Left hand pins across your chest then right inward block into a left outward block while moving into right forward bow. 1
  3. Left 4 fingered eye poke 2 to attackers face then left hand co*cks back to your waist as you do a right horizontal thrust punch low.
  4. Slide your right leg back into a cat stance as you bring both hands down in front of you (palm up) then step forward into a right neutral bow while bringing your hands up, flicking up attackers eyes then do double thumb poke to attackers eyes.
SET 2: Crashing Wings
  1. Step right side into horse stance while doing 2 downward elbows to attackers forearms. 3
  2. Left foot slides over to your right foot then shoots back to 7:30 into a right reverse bow (body facing 1:30, head facing 7:30).
  3. Pivot in place left into a left neutral bow facing 7:30 while doing a left side elbow to attackers face with a right inward hammer fist to attackers solar plexus, ending in a left forward bow facing 7:30.
SET 3: Twirling Wings
  1. Slide your right foot to your left foot then step back to 3:00 with your right foot, turning to your right into a right forward bow as you do a right outward block and left inward elbow. 4
SET 4: Circling Wing
  1. As you step to 1:30 with your left foot into a left forward bow, pull your right arm across your body to pin attackers hand on your neck. 5
  2. Do a right downward elbow (clearing attackers arm from your neck), grab attackers right arm with your right hand and pull in 6 while doing a left 2 fingered eye poke.
  3. Do a right upward elbow to attackers face and turn left into a left reverse bow while doing a right hammer fist to attackers groin.
SET 5: Crossing Talons
  1. Grab your right wrist with yoru left hand and settle into a horse stance (transitional).
  2. Step to 7:30 with your left foot into a horse stance (facing 10:30) and do a left outward elbow 7 into a left overhead downward elbow.
SET 6: Scraping Hooves
  1. Stand up as you slide your left foot toward your right while doing a back head butt 8, shooting your fists down in front of you and co*cking your right foot (up on the ball of your foot).
  2. Do a right heel kick to attackers left shin (behind you) followed by a right side kick to attackers right shin (behind you), stomping down on attackers foot.
SET 7: Fatal Cross
  1. Bring your right foot over to your left into a left cat stance while hooking your hands out and back past your hips. 9 At the same time do a forward head butt. 10
  2. As you step forward into a right neutral bow, do double uppercuts 11 to attackers solar plexus.
  3. Pull your arms back to your chest (arms crossed - left on top) then out into crossed double back knuckles to face.
  4. Pull your arms back to your chest (arms crossed - left on top) then into crossed double eye pokes (keep fingers even!).
SET 8: Grip of Death
  1. Step to 12:00 with your left foot and drag your right leg up into a left close kneel stance as you do a left inward hammerfist to attackers groin and a right inward hammerfist to attackers kidney.
  2. Right hand tracks up attackers back, hooks attackers chin and anchors 12 as you turn to 6:00 into a right forward bow and do a left heel palm to at attackers face. As you are doing the heel palm, wrap your right arm around your back.
SET 9: Locked Wing
  1. As you counter grab with your right hand, do an inverted step thru reverse (left leg steps back to 4:30 BEHIND your right leg) while doing left rear elbow to attackers face.
  2. Your left arm continues it's motion and circles down to wrap around attackers right arm and shoot forward and down (palm up).
  3. Bring your left fist up to your left shoulder (trapping attackers arm) as you step back with your right foot.
  4. Release your right hand and bring it forward on top of attackrs head as you step through with a right knee strike to attackers face landing to 10:30.
SET 10: Crossed Twigs
  1. With both your hands at your side, step to 10:30 with your left foot leading with both of your hands (pulling attacker off balance). 13
  2. Turn right while doing a right side elbow to attackers face into an overhead downward elbow to attackers spine.
  3. Place both hands on attacker head and do a left knee to their face planting back in your original position (horse stance facing 1:30).
SET 11: Wings of Silk
  1. With your hands at your sides, your left hands pinches behind as your left foot stomps.
  2. Do a right upward obscure elbow to attackers chin with a right scoop kick to attackers groin as your left arm and shoulder sink down.
  3. Your right foot steps to the left of your left foot (in tight) then your left foot steps around to the left of your right foot (turning your body 360 degrees to end up beside attacker).
  4. With your left hand pinning attakers arm to your chest, do a right uppercut to break their elbow.
SET 12: Conquering Shield
  1. Pin attackers left hand on your chest wirh your left hand and stepto 12:00 with a right front ball Kick, while doing right inward hammering block that rises upward.
  2. Do a right downward elbow 14 to attackers bicep, a right upward elbow to attackers chin followed by a right downward heel palm claw to attackers face.
SET 13: Striking Serpents Head
  1. Step back to 7:30 with your right foot with yoru right hand checking at face level as you do a left inward back knuckle to the back of attackers head (in towards your face).
  2. Anchor your left elbow and do a right half fist (palm down) to attackers face.
  3. Step counter clockwise with your right foot to 3:00 into a horse stance facing 12:00 and move up to an attention stance. 15
Brian's Kenpo Page - Kenpo Forms (2)

Footnotes For Short Form 3

    1 The left outward block here matches (is the opposite of) the right outward we see in Twirling Wings later in this form.

    2 Use point of origin here, do not co*ck your left hand back to your hip before the eye poke. This is different because the forms show us full range of motion and this is a rare time we DON'T do full range of motion.

    3 Again, point of origin from the thumb poke (don't raise your arms higher) and this time we ARE using full range of motion.

    4 Your right elbow is resting on your left fist. This right outward block matches the left outward block from Destructive Twins.

    5 The second elbow of Twirling Wings is hidden within this move. As you move your right arm to pin attackers hand on your neck, you are actually doing the right inward elbow.

    6 This motion is chambering your right hand to your hip for the next move.

    7 Remember the anchoring motion of your left arm as you hook attackers chin and transition to the overhead elbow.

    8 The back head butt is the opposite of the front head butt we see in Fatal Cross.

    9 The double hooking hand pull-back is the opposite of the double hand forward we see in Crossed Twigs.

    10 The forward head butt is the opposite of the back head butt we did in Scraping Hooves.

    11 Make these middle knuckle strikes.

    12 The right elbow anchor here is the opposite of the left elbow anchor we did in Crossing Talon.

    13 The double hand forward is the opposite of the double hand pull-back we did in Fatal Cross.

    14 Again, point of origin from the rising inward block.

    15 The final motion of turning into our horse stance is the opposite of the final move in short 1 and done the same way.

Brian's Kenpo Page - Kenpo Forms (3)

Long Form #3
Our second technique form with additional isolations and the techniques arerun on both left and right sides. In this form, most of the techniques arerun from start to finish. The descriptions provided here are brief. Clickon the highlighted technique name for a more detailed description.

SET 1: Destructive Twins

  1. From natural stance, forward in Right Neutral Bow while doing left punch to face and right inverted punch to groin
  2. Left hand down (forearm flat) in front of chest then right forearm down (on top of left forearm)
  3. Left high eye poke (fingers spread) then left hand grabs and pulls down - right punch low
  4. Right hand turns over (palm up), forearm co*cks back (elbow in tight) to side and does downward claw to right thigh
  5. Right hand back to hip in fist (palm down), right Horizontal Thrust punch to solar plexus, hand back to chest then back knuckle to face and back to waist as right foot steps back to natural stance
  6. Forward in Left Neutral Bow while doing right punch to face and left inverted punch to groin
  7. Right hand down (forearm flat) in front of chest then left forearm down (on top of right forearm)
  8. Right high eye poke (fingers spread) then right hand grabs and pulls down - left punch low
  9. Left hand turns over (palm up), forearm co*cks back (elbow in tight) to side and does downward claw to left thigh
  10. Left hand back to hip in fist (palm down), left Horizontal Thrust punch to solar plexus, hand back to chest then back knuckle to face and back to waist as left foot steps back to natural stance
SET 2: Crashing Wings &amp Dominating Circles
  1. Step right side into Horse Stance, extending arms up and out (eye poke style) and do 2 downward elbows to arms
  2. Left foot moves towards right foot (Close Kneel stance) then back to 7:30 doing left side elbow and right inward hammer fist.
  3. Turn into natural stance with hands on hips.
  4. Left knee up then down. Throw to right (left hand grabbing high, right hand grabbing low).
  5. Back to Horse Stance.
  6. Both wrists extended at waist level, turn inward until palm up, double Uppercut.
  7. Step left side into Horse Stance while doing 2 downward elbows to arms
  8. Right foot moves to left foot then back to 7:30 doing right side elbow and left inward hammer fist.
  9. Turn into natural stance with hands on hips.
  10. Right knee up then down. Throw to left (right hand grabbing head, left grabbing groin).
  11. Back to Horse Stance.
SET 3: Parting Wings
  1. Both wrists extended, waist level, turn inward until palm up, double Uppercut.
  2. Arms down and crossed (palm open) against my stomach, pulling back to waist (open hand, palm up).
  3. Right foot to left, hands together , palms in (chin high)..
  4. Back into left Neutral Bow while doing 2 outward extended blocks (open hand shoulder width).
  5. Into right Forward Bow while doing a right Inward Hand Sword to armpit while left hand checks high on right side of face
  6. Into Neutral Bow while doing left Outward Hand Sword to throat and grabbing chest muscle with right hand and pulling back
  7. Into right Forward Bow while doing right vertical Middle Knuckle strike to bottom of sternum.
  8. Right foot up to left, hands together , palms in, face high.
  9. Back into right Neutral Bow while doing 2 outward extended blocks (open hand shoulder width).
  10. Into left Forward Bow while doing a left Inward Hand Sword to armpit while right hand checks high on left side of face
  11. Into Neutral Bow while doing right Outward Hand Sword to throat and grabbing chest muscle with left hand and pulling back
  12. Into left Forward Bow while doing left vertical Middle Knuckle strike to bottom of sternum.
SET 4: Glancing Spear
  1. Right hands grabs and pulls to chest, right leg steps back to 6:00 (reverse bow) pulling then turn back to 12:00 with left elbow and right glancing eye poke over left wrist.
  2. Left hands grabs and pulls to chest, left leg steps back to 6:00 (reverse bow) pulling then turning back to 12:00 with right elbow and left glancing eye poke over right wrist.
  3. Right leg back into Horse Stance
SET 5: Isolations
  1. Right arm rotates downward from front to back, up and down to side then snapping Uppercut off to side
  2. Left arm rotates downward from front to back, up and down to side then snapping Uppercut off to side
  3. Right arm circles up, towards back, back to front and across body then snapping back knuckle to side.
  4. Left arm circles up, towards back, back to front and across body then snapping back knuckle to side.
  5. Repeat with both arms at the same time.
SET 6: Crossing Talons
  1. Left wrist out, waist high, step to 12:00 doing right upward elbow, right side elbow and right overhead downward elbow.
  2. Back to Horse Stance.
  3. Right wrist out, waist high, step to 12:00 doing left upward elbow, left side elbow and left overhead downward elbow.
  4. Back to Horse Stance.
SET 7: Thrusting Wedge
  1. Right foot steps around left to 7:30 into right High Wide Kneel as hands move in a triangle up through attackers arms pinning them to side and left arm continues to circle into upward elbow (into Horse Stance) and downward heel-palm claw (into High Wide Kneel).
  2. Right leg back to left, turn towards front, right leg out into Horse Stance
  3. Left foot steps around right to 4:30 into left High Wide Kneel as hands move in a triangle up through attackers arms pinning them to side and right arm continues to circle into upward elbow (into Horse Stance) and downward heel-palm claw (into High Wide Kneel).
  4. Left leg steps back to right, turn towards front, left leg out into Horse Stance
SET 8: Blinding Sacrifice
  1. Right leg steps to 10:30 while doing double outward face claws then circling down to Heel Palms to groin
  2. Right leg cats back while doing double back knuckle to kidneys
  3. Right foot forward to 10:30 again while doing double eye pokes (palm up)
  4. Double back knuckle to mastoid, grab head and slam to right knee, landing forward
  5. Left leg steps to 1:30 while doing double eye pokes then circling down to Heel Palms to groin
  6. Left leg cats back while doing double back knuckle to kidneys
  7. Left foot forward to 1:30 again while doing double eye pokes
  8. Double back knuckle to mastoid, grab head and slam to left knee, landing forward.
SET 9: Wings of Silk
  1. Hands to sides, elbows bent, left hands grabs behind, left foot stomps
  2. Right arm up, left arm down, right scoop kick to groin, right foot steps to left of left foot (tight)
  3. Left foot steps around to left of right foot with left hand pinning arm on chest, right Uppercut to break elbow.
  4. Left foot steps around right foot (tight) and right foot steps back around to right of left foot.
  5. Hands to sides, elbows bent, right hands grabs behind, right foot stomps
  6. Left arm up, right arm down, left scoop kick to groin, left foot steps to right of right foot (tight)
  7. Right foot steps around to right of left foot with right hand pinning arm on chest, left Uppercut to break elbow.
  8. Right foot steps around left foot (tight) and left foot steps back around to left of right foot.
SET 10: Repeated Devastation
  1. Step left side in to Horse Stance while doing 2 backwards overhead hammer fists and sinking into Horse Stance.
  2. Arms down to pin, left leg in to natural stance width while doing rear head butt, right leg in cat.
  3. Right hand on stomach, cover with left hand, left leg steps to 1:30 into Left Forward Bow.
  4. Left rear elbow to 7:30 into reverse bow while right hand pulls to 1:30 (ripping the rag).
  5. Left foot back to Horse Stance.
  6. Left hand on stomach, cover with right hand, right leg steps to 1:30 into Right Forward Bow.
  7. Right rear elbow to 4:30 into reverse bow while left hands pulls to 10:30 (ripping the rag).
  8. Left foot up to Horse Stance with right hand still extended.
SET 11: Desperate Falcons
  1. Extend left hand to match right hand. Left foot forward while hands swing out (left over right) circling from left to right and towards back, into left back knuckle to face and right Vertical Thrust punch and right ball thrust kick and right Vertical Thrust punch to chest.
  2. Hands extended low in fists, right foot forward while hands swing out to left and front, right back knuckle to face and left Vertical Thrust punch and right ball thrust kick and right Vertical Thrust punch to chest.
  3. Left foot forward into meditating position and up to Attention Stance.
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Footnotes For Long Form 3

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