Are There Creams That Can Permanently Remove Unwanted Body Hair? (2025)

Are There Creams That Can Permanently Remove Unwanted Body Hair? (1)


Are There Creams That Can Permanently Remove Unwanted Body Hair? (2) Posted on February 5, 2019 by Paul A. Boulos

There seem to be an endless amount of hair removal methods on the market these days, many promising the same thing: permanent hair removal. Depilatory and prescription creams are specifically guilty of this claim, but how many of them can actually meet this promise? How many of them even work? Here’s a breakdown of some of the most popular hair removal creams on the market and a look at how effective they are.

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Veet Hair Removal Cream

Not intended for use on the face,Veet Hair Removal Gelis designed to destroy the hair at the root. The bottle indicates that it contains both Vitamin E and Aloe Vera to soothe and moisturize the skin, and is known as one of the fastest acting products on the market. While many people have experienced successful hair removal using this depilatory cream, others claim to have encountered chemical burns, which is a popular side effect of these kinds of products. Other users noticed little or no hair loss and found that they needed to use an alternative hair removal method. Depilatory creams don’t provide permanent hair removal but can sometimes slow down hair growth.

Olay Smooth Finish Facial Hair Removal Duo

Different from other depilatory creams,Olay Smooth Finish Facial Hair Removal Duois one of the few that is safe to use on the face. Its delicate two-step formula makes it safe to use on delicate skin without the risk of chemical burns. Most people say the cream works on light to medium colored hair, but have trouble getting rid of coarse dark hair. Like with any other depilatory cream, regular use is required to keep the skin smooth and hair-free. It’s not a permanent solution to unwanted hair.

Nair Hair Removal Cream

When it comes to depilatory creams, Nair is one of the biggest names in the industry. Their formula includes cocoa butter and Vitamin E to keep the skin healthy and moisturized. Since Nair uses fewer chemicals to achieve results, a thicker layer is needed when compared to other depilatory creams. While you might go through the bottle faster than you would with others, you’re less likely to experience chemical burns with their gentle formula. Even though it’s not delicate enough to use on the face, those with sensitive skin have experienced great results. Other Nair users have experienced chemical burns if they left the cream on for too long, anything over three minutes. Chemical burns might also be a result of attempting to use the cream again as some users have reported that it doesn’t remove it all the first time around. As with other depilatory creams, Nair also isn’t a permanent solution to unwanted hair.

Vaniqa Prescription Hair Removal

Often when depilatory creams aren’t working, people will opt for a prescription cream.Vaniqa™is the first FDA approved prescription cream designed to eliminate facial hair for women. It works by interacting with a chemical found in the hair follicle, slowing down the hair growth process as a result. While it’s not considered a cure by any means, Vaniqa helps to keep excessive facial hair under control. Like other hair removal creams, however, even prescription hair removal creams aren’t a permanent solution.

Pros And Cons Of Hair Removal Creams

Hair removal creams traditionally work by weakening the bond between the hair and the hair follicle by usingharsh chemicals. If it works, the hair will fall out after some gentle exfoliation. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always work according to plan.

Pros Of Hair Removal Creams

  • They’re easily accessible
  • They’re fast acting
  • They’re inexpensive
  • They’re painless

Cons Of Hair Removal Creams

  • The harsh chemical smell
  • Doesn’t always work
  • Chemical burns
  • Leaves behind patches of hair

Permanent Hair Removal

The only method that is considered a permanent solution to unwanted hair is permanent body hair removal. You’ll be so impressed with our results. Lasers are able to target unwanted hair and permanently destroy hair follicles without causing damage to the surrounding skin. Melanin found in the hair’s root attracts wavelengths that are emitted by the lasers, preventing the hair from growing back. Since our hair grows in cycles, more than one laser hair treatment is required to get full results. Schedule your laser hair removal consultation today! Most people need anywhere between five and ten laser sessions to complete their treatments. Check out our laser hair removal FAQs if you want to know more about laser hair removal treatment!

To see how laser hair removal is done, watch this video of an underarm treatment being performed:

Are There Creams That Can Permanently Remove Unwanted Body Hair? (3)

Dr. Paul A. Boulos is an excellent and versatile cosmetic surgeon, passionate about his vocation and helping others. Dr. Boulos is an alumni of Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine and completed his General Surgery training at Inspira Medical in Southern New Jersey. He studied and learn under Dr. Joseph Castellano, one of the premier breast and body Cosmetic Surgeons in South Florida. He currently works as a Cosmetic Surgeon at Jolie Plastic Surgery in Miami, FL.

Are There Creams That Can Permanently Remove Unwanted Body Hair? (2025)
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